Friday, December 16, 2011

Santa Clause Is Coming To Town...

I was reading the paper this morning when I came across an amazing story about a "layaway angel" in K-Mart. This layaway angel who remains anonymous was walking around the store, handing out $50 bills and paying peoples layaways. People around the world were getting phone calls from K-Mart saying their bill (some of nearly over 500 dollars) paid off. One man walked into K-Mart to say he simply could not afford any of the items he had put on layaway earlier in the year but the layaway angel was right behind him in line and made sure that his family and him had a christmas by paying for everything he wanted. This woman's husband has recently passed and left her with money she would never be able to spend on her own. Instead of being selfish, she spread holiday joy for families throughout the world. 

While the story was touching and heart breaking, it also made me think that people have forgotten what the real meaning of christmas is. While I love the idea of hanging stockings, putting up a christmas tree, wrapping presents, making cookies, ect there's one thing I love more over everything else and that is spending time with my family. 

There's nothing I would rather do than spend a day with my family. And not just on Thanksgiving and Christmas either, everyday of the year! 

I feel as if people have been more stressed this year than they have in the past. It saddens me to know some children won't be waking up to presents under their tree and some may not even know what Christmas is.

Mason is finally to an age where he enjoys opening presents and he gets really excited to see christmas lights and he loves the fact that Santa is coming to his house soon. Christmas Eve, we plan on making reindeer food (oatmeal and glitter). You just mix the two things in a sandwich bag and spread it outside your house (it's much prettier and better if you have snow lol). My parents started doing it with me when I was younger and I plan on passing it down to my kids. 

I know some of you who read this may be struggling this holiday season with providing your children with a Christmas but remember, you are giving them the best present of all;; a loving, hard working, caring parent and that's a lot more than what a lot of other kids have today. While your child/children may not understand it now, they will someday and they will realize that they were truly blessed with something amazing.

Merry Christmas Everyone.

1 comment:

  1. We really have forgotten what the real meaning of Christmas is, my mom was stressing because she doesn't have any money to buy my nephews and niece any gifts this year, but I had to remind her that this day is about CHRIST. This is His day. I told her we should just have a cake and ice cream and celebrate the fact that Christmas is the representation of Jesus' b-day. I think it's sad that we don't even acknowledge the fact that Christmas is His day and it's even more sad that when we're in a position such as we are now, then we remember that we should celebrate Him. Blessings to you and all of you family! You're my sister in my head lol. ttyl
