Friday, August 17, 2012

A Little Rant About Facebook.

While I am an avid Facebook user and do enjoy keeping in touch with friends, family and fans there are certain parts to it that disgust me. 

Lately, I haven't had much time to go onto social networking sites since Penelope was born but within the past few days, there have been two new "pages" on Facebook that have caught my eye.

One page has to do with a little girl name Adalia Rose. Now, if you don't know Adalia, you'd think big whoop. Who cares about some kid with her own facebook page. But Adalia Rose is a different little girl. She was diagnosed with Progeria; a very rare disease. Progeria is a disease that produces rapid aging in children. 


  • Growth failure during the first year of life
  • Narrow, shrunken or wrinkled face
  • Loss of eyebrows and eyelashes
  • Large head for size of face (macrocephaly)
  • Open soft spot (fontanelle)
  • Small jaw (micrognathia)
  • Dry, scaly, thin skin

  • I believe Adalia is five years old, give or take. And here is a picture of her;

    Now you're all probably wondering why I'm blogging about her. Well, it's because there are some horrible people in this world who have made fan pages on facebook called "Adalia Rose is not beautiful, nor is she cute" or there's another called "Adalia Rose is a alien"
    It disgusts me to know that this little girl is fighting for her life right now and people are taking it as a big joke. This girl is beautiful. And whoever is posting or liking these pages should be ashamed of themselves. You would NOT like it if you had this disease and someone were saying these mean awful things about you.

    Another fan page that has recently popped up is called "Cancer is funny cause people die"
    The page has gotten deleted once already but the person has seemed to have a "backup" page to keep it running.
    Obviously this person is clueless as to how cancer affects peoples lives. My father died from cancer and to this day it is still a struggle for my family and I.

    It just saddens me to think people have to make these horrible Facebook pages and bring others down. I wish Facebook would have a better system or something to keep people and pages like this off the internet. I pray that the people who made these websites realize what they have done to Adalia and to those who have cancer or know someone who has and they apologize to everyone. 

    Consider my rant over.
    Hope everyone is having a better evening than I am.

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