Makeup Must-Haves:
Inside My Beauty Bag:
Signature Scents:
Everyday (If I'm doing my makeup myself), I have a five minute routine. I start with a tinted moisturizer, then a quick concealer and then our Kardashian Beauty bronzer. After that, I HAVE to curl my lashes and then I use our Kardashian Beauty Quickie mascara. After that I use my Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream for my lips and I'm done. I do have this habit though of spraying my face with a rosewater spray afterwards. Occasionally, I'll do a lip just to make myself look a little more put together. Countouring and Highlighting is a HUGE part of my everyday routine. I never really knew what it was or how to do it until getting my makeup done. Now I do my nose and cheekbones everyday or else I won't leave the house.

The one product I cannot live without; Boob Tube. (No joke, that's its name) You put it on from your neck to your breasts. It's supposed to firm and tighten so I actually use it all the way down to my toes. If it's going to work up top then why wouldn't it work down bottom as well? I need all the help I can get lately!
As far as doing my hair, I am horrible at that. I usually just put it into a ponytail or a sleeked back bun. My hair is disgusting when it's down and has nothing done to it. I look like a hot mess.
Hope these little tid bits help dolls! Any more questions feel free to ask!
P.S. I highly suggest also using the Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara. Best stuff ever!