So much has been going on lately in my family's and my lives that I haven't had time to sit back and share with you guys all of the wonderful things we've been up to.

It starts with Kardashian Khaos our new boutique that is in the Mirage in Las Vegas. When Kim, Khloe, and I were younger, our dad would always take us to see the white tigers at the Mirage. It was our dream place and never in a million years did we dream that we'd open a boutique in it. It feels so surreal. And the business has been doing so well so far. People have been coming from all around the world to support my sisters and I and it's fantastic. From New England to Paris, you guys have been superb. Kardashian Khaos carries products that are NOT available at DASH. It's one of a kind merchandise and it all has to relate with Kim, Khloe, my mom and I. We have poker chips, towels, pens, playing cards, and the list goes on... We do not have online shopping for Kardashian Khaos so you'll have to be sure to stop by on your next vacation.

My sisters and I also just released our second book. This one is actually a novel called Dollhouse and it's based on real life experiences that we were always just too scared to share with anyone. We changed the names obviously so you wouldn't know what story belongs to who but it's a fun, dramatic book. It was released on the 15th and since then Khloe and I have gone to New York and New Jersey to do book signings. Book signings are my most favorite thing. There's nothing more special than when a fan walks up to you screams "I love you" and just starts balling her eyes out. It touches you in a special place and you know right then and there that you're doing something right in life. Tomorrow we'll be in California for a book signing and that'll be our last one for the time being. You can buy it at Barnes and Noble or on It'd make a great christmas gift or stocking stuffer *hint, hint, wink, wink*

Kendall celebrated her 16th birthday. Like 7 times too, lucky girl. lol. We held a small dinner for her one night with the family and her closest friends and this past Saturday we threw a HUGE bash for her at the Sugar Factory. It's hard to believe that Kendall can drive me around now. My parents surprised her with a brand new 2012 Range Rover. Which I know some people will be like ugh, spoiled brat. Why buy a new driver a brand new car. But I don't think it's about whether she's a new driver or not I believe it's how you respect the things that are given to you and whether you appreciate it enough to take good care of it. Every vehicle gets a little dent and ding here and then. A part of life that we all must go through, some worse than others.
However, while there have been ups, there have also been downs.
Kim got divorced after only a few short months of being married. It was something that no one really expected but clearly Kim had been thinking about it quite often as to whether she had married the right man. I don't believe it's anyones place to judge someone on a matter they know nothing about and the only thing we could do at the time was to stand by my sister, support her, and help her get through it. Even if that meant turning the tv off or hiding the magazines we recieved in the mail with her picture on it or screening phone calls. We're a family and family sticks together no matter how hard things may get and no matter what someone in that family may do. We can only pray that Kim does find the man she is meant to marry and that she gets the love that she's been yearning for all these years. She's an amazing, hard working, beautiful, woman who deserves the best in this life especially when it comes to men. Some things aren't meant to last forever.
Also one of my close friends from college gave birth this past week to her son three months early. Baby David was born 3 months premature and will be in the hospital till about January when he will be big enough and be able to support himself on his own. His lungs had collapsed at one point but since then have been doing much better and he's proving to be a fighter and one strong little boy. It breaks my heart to think that my friend had to go through this. She suffered from placenta abruptio which there is no way of knowing it'll happen. It's just one of those things that life throws our ways when we least expect it. While David may not be in the best condition he could possibly be in, he should turn out to be a healthy baby boy within time. Please keep David and his mommy and daddy in your prayers. Stay strong little man. We love you <3
I hope all is well with my darling dolls.
Love, Kourtney.