Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Kardashian Affair!

I haven't done this in forever it seems like. I got sort of sick of the internet for about a week there. I don't know why but I just tried to avoid facebook, blogspot, twitter, my other blog, ect. I wanted to escape for a bit or attempt to atleast.

For the 4th, my mom and Bruce held a small BBQ at their place that the whole family attended and the day after that Scott, Mason and I flew to the hamptons to visit Scott's family and that's where we've been hiding lately and it's been so great to be able to get away and relax. It's such a stress free environment at Scott's parents and I can only hope that one day people will look at my house the same way, as a stress free environment. 

I couldn't believe the Casey Anthony trial. We all have our thoughts, beliefs, and opinions and mine is that she most definitely did it. It took her how many days to report Caylee missing? If Mason went missing I would report it two seconds later, he's my absolute world and I couldn't imagine if something ever happened to him. My heart would break and I would never be the same again!

As I have tried to tell most of you already, my family and I are up for so many categories at this years Teen Choice Awards. Here's the link Teen Choice Awards
The categories were are up for are::
Reality show, Khloe and Lamar and/or Kourtney and Kim Take New York
Female Variety Star: The Kardashians
Female Hottie: Kim Kardashian
Be sure to VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! We love you guys all so much for supporting us so keep it up!

August is almost here so you all know what the means, KARDASHIAN KOLLECTION AT SEARS! Some of you are probably like what the fuck is Kourtney talking about? Well, My sisters and I have a new clothing line coming out and it's going to be affordable and it will be sold at Sears however it doesn't come out until August. If you want you can go to and enter your email on our kardashian kollection website so you can receive exclusive offers and you'll be the first to know when the clothing line comes out!

Another exciting thing coming out is Kardashian Kolors! Kim, Khloe, Mom, Kendall, Kylie and I all got together with OPI and made our own nail polish colors! It was so much fun and we met some amazing people. Here's a sneak preview of the colors so far!

You guys will love it! I know I do!

So yesterday the whole family except Khloe took Mason on his first trip to Disney World. It was such an amazing time and we all had a blast. I can't wait to go back someday when Mason gets to be a little bit older. Another thing I LOVE is Sea World. When I was younger, I used to tell people that one day I would be the one who trained the dolphins and whales, as you can see, that didn't really work out but I did one better... I got a job where I make enough money so I could go and visit Sea World everday! Ha, beat that!

Well I hope all of you dolls are well. Best wishes.
<3 Kourtney.

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