Saturday, May 21, 2011

First blog!

There is nothing I enjoy more in this world than blogging. I could seriously go on for hours about my day, my life, Mason, my family & friends, my job, my projects, ect. I think I did this whole blog thing just to hear myself talk but hey, what ever helps you cope, Right?

I asked you guys what you wanted me to talk about for my first blog post and all though I didn't get that much feedback I did get some. I'm assuming most the world is still sleeping still anyways. The feedback I did get was blog about your workout routine, Mason, Scott, and marriage. So this first blog post will be all about Mason, Scott and I and what we've been up to lately. Marriage and my workout routine can wait for either later today or another day all together.

Mason is 17 months old now and finally starting to cause trouble! He developed this new stage which neither Scott nor I really appreciate, it's called saying no ALL THE TIME! Everything you ask him, the answer is always no. Yes has not become apart of his vocabulary yet. You could even ask him if he wants ice cream and the answer will still be no. He's very determined to do things on his own now. The last thing he wants is for you to feed him. Duh, what was I thinking trying to feed him? He can obviously do it on his own and manage to make a mess of the table and himself while doing it. How considerate Mason :)
We're trying to teach him the concept of manners even though they may be a little hard to pronounce. It's never too early to start! He also is sort of starting to dress himself. He has the concept down pretty well but he's still a little unstable when it comes to putting his pants while holding himself up with only one leg.
People always tell me that toddlers are never modest, that they don't even know what that is. I beg to differ. When Mason was about 6-8 months we let him crawl around naked constantly and he absolutely loved it but now that's he older, he'd rather be dead than have people see him naked. He starts to whine, cry, and say no if I try to take his clothes off in front of other people, including my family but as soon as we go into a seperate room he's fine and lets the job be taken care of. He's a funny little guy.
He's also made a new name for my sister Kim. He's been calling Kim by her actual name until this past week where he started to call her Auntie Kiki which I just think is absolutely adorable. Kim isn't too fond of it but she says she'll take what she can get. She adores him more than anyone else I think and she's going to be such a fantastic mother someday.

Scott's and my life has been crazy busy lately as well. We just bought a house together in Malibu a few months back and if there's one thing you need to know about me its that, i'm a perfectionist... unfortunately. I would rather have things sit in boxes around my house for years than have it not be perfect. It's not one of my best qualities but it'll do. We're still trying to unpack and figure out where things should go, where they'd look good ect. If you go on my facebook, I added pictures of the inside as well as the outside of the house and as you can see, the walls are pretty bare in some rooms. Mason's room probably needs the most work. We painted his room a light yellow and then his crib bedding is yellow and blue so that's sort of our theme for his room; Yellow and blue. We still need lots of wall decorations though before it starts to look homely.

Well, I hope I did good for a first blog entry.
Have a great day everyone!
<3 Kourtney

1 comment:

  1. You did great! Wonderful writing...and you whipped it out so fast! :) Boy do I know what it's like to have a son that age...mine is a little over 2 and he's a NUT! <3 Best of luck with the new residence and lots of love to you, Scott and Mason!
