Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In time of test, family is best.

The title of this blog says it all; your family is your safe haven. They are there for you through thick and thin. They love, cherish, and admire you. I wanted to dedicate most of this post to my family to tell them how much I truely do love them and how much I appreciate all that they have done for me over the years. I also wanted to use this blog post to show you guys that your family is the most important thing in your life. I could never imagine not talking to my family, I'd be one lost person without them and I think it's sad that some people go through life without their family by their side.
My family used to get together once/twice a week to have "family time". Over the years though, we got busier and busier especially Kim, Khloe, Mom, and I. The family times started to only happen about once every few weeks which broke my heart. There is nothing I love more than sitting around a table being surrounded by my family. We're all unique in our own way and we all bring something different to the family.

My family and I have definitely had our fair shares of ups and downs but there's never been a time where we didn't sort our differences out. Kim and I went two months one time without talking and even though her and I may not be as close as Khloe and I, I still love her the same. Kim is an inspiring person who works harder than most people I know.

Which reminds me, I want to get one thing straight when it comes to my family and our careers. Our career choices are NOT easy. You may think "Oh, they live the easy life, all they do is sleep in and get their picture taken constantly" Believe me, you don't even know the half of it. Very seldom do I actually get to sleep in and if you remember correctly, I just spent two weeks away from my own home so I could work and keep my fans happy.
Photoshoots look easy once the pictures come out but they're probably the hardest. You have to get up extremely early, spend hours in hair and makeup where you're constantly getting bugged as to whether you like this, or that and then you spend from about 8 in the morning to 8 at night getting your picture taken. It can be fun sometimes, but it wares your body down after hour number four.
Nothing irritates me more than someone who says "Quit complaining, you don't do anything" Ya know what, fuck you. You're an inconsiderate jackass who knows nothing about me or my family and you don't know what we have to go through on a daily basis to make the things that happen, happen. My sisters, mother and I all work extremely hard to do the things we do. We write books, make tv appearances, manage our THREE stores that we have across the US, and the list goes on.
So don't be quick to judge.
Everyone is fighting their own battle.

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